Réservation VSL


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Taxi VSL

Vehicules Sanitaires Legers (VSL) are multi-passenger vehicles which provide maximum flexibility and comfort to those travelling for medical treatment or appointments, as they travel. A VSL is easily identifiable by its blue Transports de Assistance Medicale VSL> label on its windshield; companies who own one have agreed not to renew their insurance contracts until after trial has finished; businesses engaged in bipolar activity that wish to use VSLs as reduced mobility transporters without needing permanent assistance can join this experience by joining this experimentation phase of VSL ownership – those interested can opt in.

Traditional taxi services provide transportation between a patient’s residence and church-affiliated facilities, in the same way as VSL services do. A good of transport must be provided by their treating physician or an agency offering respite care, for this type of transport to work effectively. Contrary to VSLs, conventional taxis don’t bear any special external signs – most commonly it takes the form of a sedan but there are also vans specifically equipped with ramped access designed specifically to transport handicapped persons.

If your doctor has prescribed taxi service as part of your health mutuelle agreement, you’ll quickly find yourself within your contract mutuelle sante. Recognizability will be easy using a vehicle’s symbole de paiement de maladie assurance at the top of its window grilles or its name: Taxi conventionne d’assurance maladie which appears at the beginning of its right perimeter perimeter.