Ambulance VSL | Huron Valley Ambulance In Michigan-based nonprofit service Huron Valley Ambulance strives to ensure their young patients are safe and comfortable during transport. Their staff works diligently to make this an experience they will remember fondly.
In this video from their organization, a paramedic from their organization outlines how the process works, while also explaining some of the differences between an ambulance, VSL, and taxi conventionne.
Ambulances (Vehicules Sanitaires Legers or VSL) are medical vehicles used to transport patients between care locations and health facilities for further treatment. Unlike regular cabs, ambulances are equipped with tools that enable health professionals to provide initial treatments such as oxygenation or monitoring directly within them – similar to how an emergency response vehicle might provide services in an emergency.
The number of health professionals present depends on the type of vehicle, but at least two must always be present, with at least one being included as chauffeur.
As ambulances tend to be more costly than taxis, Societe de gestion des services medicaux du Quebec (SGSMQ) has decided to replace them every 10 years instead of 15, in order to increase use more rapidly while simultaneously cutting costs – this strategy will likely cost over $1 billion over five years! Furthermore, this change will also increase efficiency by decreasing mileage driven and the need to reserve vehicles for non-emergency travel.