Réservation VSL


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Ambulance VSL

L’ambulance VSL is a light medical vehicle equipped with security systems to ensure patient comfort and safety on their journey. At least two individuals must hold an official DE (Diplome d’Etat) as ambulance drivers or auxiliaries ambulanciers to operate it effectively; and its occupation involves irregular shifts throughout the day, night and week-feries.

L’ambulance VSL serves to transport patients to medical appointments, their home address, specialty consultations and in-home healthcare. In case of accidents or emergency situations (like labor) victims needing urgent help are rushed quickly – these ambulances also assist pregnant mothers from as early as three months gestation up until about fourteen days post birth.

Although not strictly necessary for participating in VSL emergency transport services, other forms of transport should also be used, including taxi conventionnel (which could either be specially prepared or regular taxi with an agreement from an emergency CPAM provider) to transport patients in need of immediate help.

With an effective alert capacity, VSL ambulances can reduce medical complications. To achieve these goals, emergency staff mobilities must be tailored and adequate; providing sufficient resources for patient transport as well as monitoring their physical status through integrated systems of surveillance. In addition, this demarche can lower social security costs through supplementary caretaking arrangements as well as using specialist materials like brancards, rolling chairs and an oximeter.