L’ambulance VSL, taxi CPAM and centers de soins des personnes a mobilite reduite (PMR*) are authorized medical transport means for providing a trip towards an assisted care center. These vehicles also allow a person with motorised or non transferable chairs (depending on prescription from physician), to reach the care centre safely.
An ambulance is a vehicle designed for medical transport that contains first aid equipment. At least two qualified individuals – such as its chauffeur – must be available to deliver first-aid, while adhering to strict hygiene rules.
Regions have established regulations designed to guarantee high-quality assistance during any emergency situation, typically depending on vehicle type, equipment capabilities and usage conditions.
Certain regions offer a selection of transportation modes tailored specifically to the needs of individuals with reduced mobility. When selecting VSL and ambulance options, this will depend on whether an assessment was completed following an assessment of need as well as medical prescription given from this physician.
Your healthcare provider can recommend the appropriate mode of transport based on your health condition – either an ambulance VSL or conventional taxi CPAM – but it is up to you to evaluate your engine capacity, desired weight and duration of journeys before making a final decision.