Réservation VSL


Basés sur 628 avis


Taxi VSL

Regional health authorities and the Caisse primaire d’Assurance maladie du Canada decided to conduct an examination of candidates to ascertain whether professional taxi companies should convert their conventionnement into an authorization of service for a vehicle sanitaire leger (VSL). Furthermore, they examined how many taxis could potentially be converted in an experimentation phase into VSLs without disrupting supply on their territories; through this process 45 volunteer taxi companies who wish to convert from conventional conventionning into VSL service were identified (please refer to Companies list for full list).

Finding an accessible car or taxi needs to be made on advice of a physician, in accordance with local and national procedures regarding social security. Selecting between VSLs or taxis conventionally depends on many points that overlap as well as differences.

Two types of vehicles provide professional transport suited to the unique needs of patients returning from care centers or other healthcare establishments, including VSLs and taxi conventionne. Departures vary between these vehicles due to a VSL obtaining its operating approval from regional health authorities, while only having an agreement with CPAM for passenger pickup/dropoff.

As part of efforts to streamline and enhance the network of transportation services, the conversion of some bicycling transport companies to VSL could contribute to streamlining patient transfers between facilities for care. It could reduce waiting times for patient transfers.