VSLs and conventional taxis serve as alternative forms of transport for people with reduced mobility or chronic illness who are capable of accepting an assisted ride. Both methods require a valid medical document stating the purpose of travel signed by a physician before booking is possible.
An VSL vehicle can be identified by its white carrosserie and distinctive logo indicating it has been approved by Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie (CPAM). A taxi conventionally used by regular customers will often feature special signalization to indicate they benefit from health sector contracts.
Inside, the VSL is equipped with first aid equipment like defibrillation devices and oxygenators for maximum patient safety, capable of transporting three people seated comfortably. Conversely, standard taxis do not feature these services but are still approved by Caisse generale d’assurance maladie (CPAM).
As it relates to people with limited mobility and illness requiring intermediate mobility, cars provide the option for safe transport with seats available and also adhere to certain usage regulations set by CPAM.
Conventionne autotaxi drivers don’t need a formal degree or training in mobility to practice their profession. However, these individuals must first obtain approval from the health sector. Costs will depend upon distance traveled, type of trip taken and destination location.