VSL (Vehicule Sanitaire Leger) is a mode of medical transportation designed to accommodate travel for people with reduced mobility or illness, who are capable of sitting seated during their trip. Unlike an ambulance, this vehicle does not offer continuous medical support during its route but may provide adjustments or assist right up until you reach it.
Your decision between VSLs and conventional taxis ultimately rests upon an evaluation by your physician and a written prescription from them for reimbursement by Caisse primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM). As per CPAM rules, reimbursement could range anywhere between 65%-100% of costs related to VSL transportation expenses for medical transportation purposes.
Experimental Project will be open to voluntary dual-headed companies that demonstrate sufficient activity within any region of French interest. Forty bi-phale enterprises were chosen to take part in this experimentation across four distinct regions – Grand East, PACA, Occitanie and Nouvelle Aquitaine – with each being authorized to undergo vehicle classification changes from taxi to VSL status (please see list of companies annexed). This demarche will be implemented with an expected new evaluation within six months and benefits will be divided according to this formula: average VSL transportation charges from company invoiced during period (2022) multiplied by total number of VSL mandated transports for activity sector.