Taxis Sanitaires Legers (VSL) play an essential role in healthcare societies where accessing medical care is of primary concern. However, this mode of transport has some significant distinctions from its counterpart – the traditional taxi – but more so with Taxi VSL CPAM.
Under law, each private transportation health company that wishes to exercise its right of reimbursement requires a stationing permit from URSS (article L. 322-5-1 and R. 322-10-1 of the Code of Social Security). An agreement made between this private transporter and an regional health agency determines if its vehicle meets the criteria necessary to qualify as professional aided transport:
Taxis conventionales et VSL CPAMs are two classes of vehicles designed to offer professional transport assistance services. Both models can be employed based on medical prescription provided by physicians; thus ensuring patient transport in accordance with legislation.
Taxis VSL don’t expect permanent medical aid during their transport services, though passengers may benefit from personalized assistance as an accompaniment until reaching the vehicle. Furthermore, unlike an ambulance they cannot transport more than three patients lying down at once.