Réservation VSL


Basés sur 628 avis

Transports par Taxi VSL

Taxis and VSL services both provide transportation, but their respective services vary considerably in their delivery. Their structures and organizations cater to specific client/patient needs.

Restructuration and optimization of VSL transport services help reduce wait times at healthcare centres. An optimal structure and organization of these services would optimize trips from patients’ locations (Hospitals, clinics or care centres) back home.

According to its results, experimentation may play an integral part in optimizing taxi services that operate under VSL permits to better meet client/patient specific requirements. 45 firms chosen as participants for experimentation could facilitate this transfer between their ADS taxi stationing license and VSL operating license (AMS VSL).

VSLs can be easily identified by their white carrosserie with its blue six-branched cross. Heated by an ambulance or its attendant, these VSLs must only be used during transportation of patients from regional health authorities (ARS). Their primary role is professional assistance: transport according to patient needs according to physician mandate outlined on paperwork issued from these authorities – never for emergency transport!